

Mom and son at the 5K

"Marshmallowrunner" "Marshmallow" "MarshmallowMom"

Before the 5K run

What a beautiful day for a run.  Final time: 26:05!

I certainly have never held a high regard for treadmills.  I know they are a necessary evil, but, always my last choice.  While I will always choose the great outdoors on most days of the year, Minnesota weather isn’t always conducive to good winter running, no matter how warmly dressed. 

I started C25K on an older treadmill designed for a walker.  It was certainly good enough to do the job, although, as I progressed as a runner, it’s faults became quite noticeable.  My old t.m. was a Weslo Cadence 42.  Great for walking.  OK for running, but, not optimal.  I had limited choices in incline.  3% , 6% and 9%.  A fellow C25K’r showed me how to do an actual measure of the incline.  My 3% was really higher than 3% by quite a bit.  But…I learned to toughen up and work hard by running at that incline…which made the transition to my new Horizon T6 Elite treadmill all the more enjoyable! 

I’d like to introduce you to:

The Cockpit

Another angle:

Note the long deck

Just because

And…a fond fairwell to the Weslo Cadence C42:

Where it all started

Lately, I’ve been quite dog-obsessed.  I’ve always loved animals.  Cats.  Dogs.  All of them.  I go in phases.  Currently, I’m obsessing over dogs.  The thing that I’ve been thinking about a lot lately is how little exercise many of them get and how much they really do need.

I’ve always had dogs.  I haven’t always been a runner.  I’ve had a variety of dogs.  Miniature poodles, Lab, Samoyed, Boxers, Shih-Tzus…I’ve always taken good care of my dogs.  They have never wanted for food, veterinary care, love and attention or a nice warm blanket.  One thing I have been remiss about is the amount of exercise I have provided my dogs over the years.  I walked my dogs (although not on a regular basis).  I played with my dogs.  I did all the things I thought were right to do.  I probably over loved them…by over feeding them.  One thing I regret now…looking back on things is that I didn’t spend enough time EXERCISING them.

A person learns a few things as they go through life.  This is a lesson that I am learning everyday as I run with my dogs.  I never realized just how much exercise a dog needs!  Not just BIG dogs…but, little dogs, too!  Today, I ran 4.53 miles in the cold.  All of those miles I was accompanied by one of my dogs.  Pearl got a 2 mile run, Bear-a 1 mile walk/run and Eddie-1 mile run.  As each of the dogs gets into better condition, they are becoming better and better runners!  I see their progress on each run.  Even my old Bear!  I never run him hard, in fact his *run* is a trot–he is moving faster and lighter on his feet with each time we go out.  It is becoming easier for him.  Little Eddie…zips through one mile like it is NOTHING to him.  Pearl can easily do a 9:15min/mile run for at least 4 miles now.  Athletes they definitely are.  Almost all dogs are! 

So…as I realize just how much these dogs are enjoying walking and running…I understand now how much they NEED to exercise.  I feel bad because I have deprived my dogs of adequate exercise for a long time.  I used to think that a 1 mile leisurely walk was great plenty.  Ha!  Was I ever WRONG about that!  That is just a drop in the bucket of what most dogs are capable of doing! 

I am fortunate that I don’t have any behavior problems with my dogs.  I now understand what Caeser Milan means when he says that dogs NEED exercise.  How can a wound-up dog designed for endurance and work sit home all day long and never get the exercise that they require?  This happens too much.  I visit the Humane Society…and see these wonderful dogs jumping and full of pent up energy.  They don’t always present themselves very well…BECAUSE THEY NEED TO GO OUT AND BURN OFF SOME OF THIS EXCESS ENERGY!!! 

Likely, none of this is a revelation for most of you.  It certainly is for me.  I have severely underestimated what a dog needs to be happy.  Prior thinking said, “love, kisses, attention, good food, vet care, a warm blankie”…never was exercise a thought.  Only a side-note.  I have slowly come to this realization since starting to seriously walk and run last November.  As I’ve incorporated my running habits into a lifestyle change for my dogs, I’ve witnessed the changes in them. 

I see the many dogs chained in back yards.  I see even more in kennel runs.  Large hunting dogs, sporting breeds.  Working dogs.  Little yappy dogs.  I know that they aren’t getting the exercise they need and desire.  Then, I feel like I want to run with each and every one of them!  I’m glad that I’ve seen the light when it comes to my own dogs.  I hope when people see me and my dogs run by…that they will be inspired to get out there and do something with their dogs.  Walking them, playing with

Waiting for a run?

Is it my turn to go for a run?

them, maybe even running with them. 

There is so much more to having a dog than just loving them. 

Running has helped Pearl really bond with me.  She is much more in tune with me and closer to me since we’ve become running partners.  She knows that when the leash comes out and the Garmin goes *BEEP* that we’ll be hitting the road.  Her stumpy tail wags furiously and I know that this is good.

I really like this jacket, although it isn’t quite warm enough for this time of year.  I have used it a couple of times in combination with my baselayer CW-X Insulator zip T.  It is very light-weight.  My only complaint, if that, is that it fits quite straight and narrow across the hips.  My hips…are not straight and narrow…and it is a little snug in this area!  Really nicely made.  Good quality.  Nice color!

CW-X Element X Jacket - Women's

Wow.  I don’t know what else to say about these!  WOW!  OK…they are AMAZING!  INSANELY AMAZING!  I don’t know exactly how to describe them.  These were a birthday/Christmas present to myself.  I wasn’t sure if I would like compression wear, but, I know the answer to that now!  I LOVE these tights.  As I put them on for the first time, I thought, “oh no! these are so small and tight.  I don’t know if I got the right size”.  I double checked the packaging.  A medium.  Yes, in fact, I am right between a small and medium size.  Technically, I suppose I should have ordered the small, as I was closer to that fit than the medium.  I’m happy I ordered the medium.  These tights are…TIGHT!  Skin tight.  Once I got them on…my first reaction was…”ooohh…these feel…nice”!  Tightly squeezing my legs.  A good, comfortable fit.  I felt a little weird going outside in TIGHTS.  I thought…man…I don’t even feel DRESSED!  (Luckily, my jacket covered my backside to some degree!).  These were the winter, insulated tights.  Very, very nice and warm.  My legs did not get cold at all.  Temp was 17.1°F.  Legs just felt…great! 

How can I explain how they feel when running and after running?  I don’t know for sure…”well supported” comes to mind.  I loved them during the run and after the run.  In fact, I hesitated to even take them off, they felt so good!  These tights are expensive, but, whoa!  well made and such quality.  These are not your ordinary running pants/tights…not by a longshot.  I will definitely look at their clothing for warmer weather after our winter ends here.  I have the feeling I will be wearing these many, many runs to come.  Just EXCELLENT!


CW-X Insulator Stabilyx tights

CW-X Insulator Stabilyx tights

CW-X Insulator Stabilyx tights and CW-X Elements Jacket

What a treat for one’s feet!   I had ordered these quite some time back.  I had been thinking ahead about winter running and wanted to be pro-active to prevent a fall.  Falling is perhaps the main thing that concerns me about winter time running.  I hate even WALKING on ice, much less running on it.  I initially looked for special shoes, but, found only a couple, and they were quite expensive, and seemed to offer nothing special, other than the ice spikes on the bottom of the shoe.  I wanted to keep my Mizunos, which worked well for me.  I discovered the YakTrax Pro:  http://www.yaktrax.com/ProductsPro.aspx  Here is a look at them in real life:

A view from the top of the shoe

A view from the bottom!

These really give one a great sense of confidence and security when running.  I had to contend with ice and snow for the first time this morning.  These totally made the difference.  Wonderful.  I would encourage anyone to try these out!  A+++ !!!

My new Mizuno's

I’m a happy girl today! Went shopping in Fargo today.  Never thought I would be purchasing a new pair of running shoes.  Husband was the one who said, “you need a pair”.  I was a little suprised that he was encouraging me to spend money…hahaha.  He is right, though.  I did need a new pair.  I wanted the exact same style as my first pair.  My first Mizunos were Wave Inspire 4’s.  These are the Wave Inspire 5.  I had hoped for a different color combination, but, this is alright, too.  I tried them on.  They fit exactly as my first pair does.  Immediate love.  These are so soft and cushy in comparison to my currently worn out shoes!

I plan to keep them nice and tidy for awhile.  The shoe salesman felt that I still could get some good use out of my old shoes, and I agree.  They have held up rather nicely for all the use and abuse they get.  I will use those for wet weather and snow running.  My new ones will be for the treadmill, or, for dry weather days.  I’m going to try to save them for next running season.  We’ll see.

The little Running Girl stickers are now plastered on my car.  My husband got the “Running Dude” sticker to match.  How cute! 🙂

This morning, while I knew I was going running, I didn’t know much more than that.  I didn’t know how far.  I didn’t know where.  I didn’t know if I would go it alone, or, would bring Pearl with me.  I finally decided.  We’re going to try to go a little further today.  We’re going on the trail.  WE are going TOGETHER.  I decided 4 miles was not unreasonable, based on Pearl’s performance to date.  I have yet to tire her out!

As soon as I get the running clothes on and she hears the initial “beep” of the Garmin, Pearl is up and ready to roll.  We got in the car, and off we went. 

It was 32°F at the start of our run.  All was well, but, the breeze was a little harsh headed out.  I was initially a little concerned that it might be too cold, but, that quickly changed as I warmed up.  The sun was poking its head out…and we were warming up.  Pearl had 1 goof off moment, but, she got that out of the way almost immediately.  She was quickly corrected, and…voila!  she got down to business and away we went!

And…did we ever go.  What a beautiful run.  We did 4 miles…and she easily could have gone further.  We had a lovely run.  Perhaps the most perfect of runs.  We both had a wonderful time.  I told my husband, “it is too bad someone wasn’t out there video taping our running performance.  we could have made a movie and titled it, ‘How to Run with your dog'”!  It was that effortless.  Pearl ran along side me.  She floated besides me.  Just outstanding.  We made good time, without really ever trying too hard.  Looking at the Garmin results, Pearl and my accomplishments looked something like this:


Mile 1~ 9:53min/mile

Mile 2~ 9:55min/mile

Mile 3~9:49min/mile

Mile 4~9:16min/mile

Total time: 38:57 minutes/4 miles.

Not too shabby! 

I love having Pearl to run with me.  I feel a little safer.  It is comforting to have a companion to join me. 

Off to apply some Musher’s Secret to her paw pads.  They are looking in very good shape.  I’m hoping they will stay that way!

I didn’t get to run the Turkey Trot in Fargo, ND today for a variety of reasons.  I was disappointed, but, I decided to make the best of things.  The Turkey Trot was a 5 mile race.  Since I couldn’t  run the race, I decided I could at least do a 5 mile run.  I got up early, got ready for sunrise (7:38 a.m. today)…and off I went to my favorite running spot, the Central Lakes Trail.  I made it about 1 1/2 mile out and…here is what I spotted! :

Turkey Trot!

I tried to get a better shot, but, this was the best I could manage with my point and shoot and unsteady hand from running!:

Turkeys Trotting

I was happy I got out and running early.  Very foggy again this morning, but, what a lovely run.  Temperature was nice and cool (temps hovering around 32°F).  Most of the trail was dry.  Hit some icy spots around the 2.5 mile mark.  The cool, moist air felt good. 

I finished up my run, only to return home to 2 Boxers needing some exercise.  First, went Pearl.  I didn’t know if I could rev myself up again for another 2 miles, but, away we went.  We ran fairly slowly again, but, that’s alright, as I was tired!  Pearl decided to goof around at the same spot again (right around mile 1, she decides to start sitting down).  We remedied the situation by doing a brief walk, and she eventually came around and got busy.  She finished up strong, as she usually does.  Next up, Bear.  We sauntered along for a nice 1 mile walk.  By that time, it was already around 10:30am.  I had spent the entire morning literally running! I’m glad I decided to get up and get busy this morning.  No sleeping in and wasting the day away for me!

A lovely Turkey Trot…indeed.

Pearl used her Wolf Pack® for the first time yesterday.  I had to laugh when I watched her reaction.  She was bucking around the living room like a bucking bronco!  After she finally settled down, she was very leary about trying to actually WALK with the backpack on.  As she adjusted to it, we decided to take her on a walk.  It was hit and miss.  We had one stubborn moment in which Pearl decided that she was going to sit her butt down in the middle of a busy intersection, with cars WAITING for US to get across the street!  Pearl just up and QUIT walking.  She didn’t like that backpack and that was all there was to it!  We convinced her that she had to move and away we went.  We walked around town a bit, stopped by and visited a couple of friends.  Had to show our friend, who also happens to be Pearl’s vet, Pearl’s new backpack.  We talked about running and dogs and dog running and all sorts of good stuff. 

Overall, I believe we will have success with her backpack.  She is gradually getting used to it.  I think it will be very handy for carrying small items with us on our walks and runs!  The Wolf Pack® is made VERY well.  And…it is much larger than I thought it would be. There is room for a LOT of stuff in those backpacks.  I am very impressed with the quality!

The Musher’s Secret paw cream is great.  We’re using that nightly to toughen up Pearl’s little paw pads.